Ash Wednesday

Join us for our Ash Wednesday Worship Service March 5th at 7 PM, which marks the beginning of Lent. Lent is 40 days of self-examination, penance, and personal transformation as we prepare for Easter. Remember, you are a child of God in need of change, to hear God’s Word, to receive the imposition of ashes, and to sing songs of God’s mercy, forgiveness, and love!

Maundy Thursday Service

Hear the story of Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples and how he took the posture of a servant by washing his disciples’ feet. On March 17th at 7 PM, this service will include the Lord’s Supper and an opportunity to experience foot washing (remembering what Jesus did).

Easter Egg Hunt

Bring your little ones to Bedford Presbyterian Church on April 19th at 3 PM for a fun Easter celebration designed for kids ages 4 to 8! Enjoy crafts, lively songs, and delicious snacks, followed by an egg hunt on the front lawn (or inside if the weather doesn’t cooperate) featuring colorful eggs filled with treats. Don’t forget to bring fresh-cut flowers for the Flower Cross!

Easter Sunday Worship Service

Join us for our traditional Easter Sunday service on April 20th at 10 AM, to listen to the story of the resurrection as we sing praise to God in our church sanctuary.