FALL Welcome Sunday is finally here! Some churches call it “Rally Day” or “Promotion Sunday.” Our church used to call it “In-Gathering Sunday”. We changed it to FALL Welcome Sunday a few years ago, emphasizing the “ALL Welcome.” This year,...
The Rain Falls on the Just and Unjust
In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus preaches his famous “Sermon on the Mount.” As part of that sermon, Jesus tells us that sometimes “the rain falls on the just and unjust.” (Matthew 5:45). Basically, he is saying that, into every life, a little rain will fall. What...
Summer Updates at BPC
Summer brings longer days, hotter weather, relaxation, vacation getaways, camps, beaches, and pools for many. It’s also a time for planning and preparing for the fall and future events. For instance, Michelle has been diligently planning the upcoming Ageless Wonders...
Prayers of the People
It’s been several weeks since my last “Weekly Word.” My family and I went to California to visit my brother at Yosemite National Park. I am so thankful for the people who led and listened out for our congregation while I was away. Last Sunday morning, Amy and I...
Concerns and Joys
Last Saturday evening, after we had hosted some friends at our house for dinner, cleaned up, and put the boys to bed, I sat on the couch and pulled out my phone to see what was going on in the world. The first indication that a major incident had occurred was a...
Catching Your Breath
I hope that all of you are having a chance to catch your breath this summer. Life can be so full, especially in the weeks leading up to summer. When I think of our big 275th celebration back in May, my heart is full of joy and gratitude, but I also remember being...
Bless This Mess…
...and Bless Some Other Folks, Too! I know, I know. . . My office in the church is a bit messy. As someone told me recently, it looks “lived-in.” This makes sense if you consider how much I have “lived” at the church—most Sundays to Thursdays—for nearly eleven years....
In Good News…
On Thursday of this past week, I received a joyous text message from Cheryl Barlow. Cheryl - a longtime member of BPC - has been spending a lot of time at the hospital over the past month because her son, Jackson, was in a horrific motorcycle accident. After several...