Getting into a new rhythm as we respond to God’s calling.

Dear Bedford Presbyterian Church Family,

I hope and pray that your 2023 has begun with blessings and beautiful glimpses of God’s grace. In our own household, we are continuing to celebrate the arrival of our son, Elliot (born right after Thanksgiving), and are settling into a new rhythm as a family of four. And at BPC, we are settling into a new rhythm, after the disruption of the past several years. You might remember that last January, I began my sabbatical and was away from the church for three months. During that season of rest and renewal, I had the gift of time to think about the gift of sabbath – a gift that not everyone has the privilege to enjoy in this day and age. As I have said before, I am so thankful to all of you for the gift of sabbath and for the gift of this congregation, and the ways that God was at work through each of you during my time away

This past year was, how shall we say, “different” for me – with the sabbatical, graduation with my D.Min., some out-of-the-ordinary travel abroad last summer, and the arrival of a baby. It was all wonderful, but I’m kind of ready to simply be “here.” And part of being here means observing the regular rhythms of church life – rhythms that have been disrupted over the past several years by the pandemic and by last year’s comings and goings by yours truly.

At the start of this new year, we mark the election of new church officers – Elders and Deacons who will help lead and guide us, caring for our congregation and the wider community. I am so thankful for those leaders who have finished their time of service as active Deacons and Elders, and am excited by the group of officers that will be coming on board. We also celebrate the life and ministry of our congregation through our Annual Report. In the next two weeks, we will hold two meetings of the congregation.

NEXT Sunday, January 29, right after the 10 AM worship service, we will hold a Meeting of the Congregation for the purpose of hearing a report from our Nominating Committee and proceeding to the election of our new Elders and Deacons.

The following Sunday, February 5, we will examine, ordain, and install our new officers and hold the Annual Meeting of the Congregation. At that meeting, the congregation will vote on the Terms of Call for the Pastor. After our Annual Meeting that day, we will head to the Fellowship Hall for a chili lunch.

Both meetings will have a Zoom option to join – for full participation from home (or wherever you may be). This link will be sent out in the Hilltop Crier e-mail newsletter.

Friends, it is a privilege to serve alongside all of you, and I am looking forward to what God has in store for our church in the coming year.

Grace and Peace and Every Blessing to you in 2023 and beyond,


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