This Sunday, we are celebrating the start of our church programming year.  Over the course of the 2023-2024 school year, BPC will be offering opportunities for you and for the wider community to grow in faith, knowledge, service, and friendship.

Weekly worship will be following a new lectionary – the “Narrative Lectionary.”  This Fall, we will also be talking about “Living Discipleship” in a sermon series based on Real Faith for Real Life by Michael W. Foss.  Sunday School and Youth Group will be kicking off soon, too, along with our weekly Coffee Hour after worship! 

In addition, you will want to mark your calendars for the FIRST and FOURTH (and sometimes FIFTH) Sundays of each month.  

On the FIRST SUNDAY of each month, we will be holding a “First Sunday Fellowship” meal in the Fellowship Hall, right after the 10 AM worship service. Everyone is invited (and invited to invite a friend!).  Our next “First Sunday Fellowship” is on Sunday, October 1!

On the FOURTH (or FIFTH) SUNDAY of each month, we will be holding a “Fourth Sunday Forum” series on a variety of topics.  Come to the Fellowship Hall after the 10 AM worship service, get a cup of coffee and a snack, and stay for a time of education and discussion that will run from 11:15 AM to 12 Noon – 45 minutes.  

Upcoming “Fourth Sunday Forums” will include. . .  

  • “Going Green at BPC” on September 24 – Come, stay, and learn about BPC’s recent and upcoming initiatives to care for God’s creation and be better stewards of our resources.
  • “Experiences of Grace Outside the Church” on October 29 – Come, stay, and learn about ways to encounter the Holy in our daily lives and in the lives of others with The Reverend Gayle Murphy, a UCC pastor and guest presenter.
  • “Living in a Matthew 25 Way” on November 26 – Come, stay, and learn about BPC’s connection with the wider denomination through our Presbytery, Synod, and General Assembly and the ways we set our priorities for ministry and mission.

As we usually say in the announcements each week, “There are great things happening in the life of our church.”  I truly believe this and look forward to seeing you soon in worship, and at our “F S Fs,” and beyond!

Grace and Peace,


Prepare for Worship

This Week:  ReStarting at the Beginning (Living Discipleship # 1)

  • Read Genesis 2:4-22
  • Read Matthew 16:21-28
  • Read or sing Hymn # 401 – “Here in This Place