Fourth Sunday Forum: Living in a Matthew 25 Way

At last month’s forum, Gayle Murphy invited us to bring our experiences with God outside our church walls to respond to our neighbors and community.  As a PC(USA) Matthew 25 church, we are called to be a more relevant presence in our world.  How do we do this?  Where can we find effective models? 

During coffee hour on Sunday, November 26, Sharon and Larry Cowen will share some wonderful examples from their immersive experiences in Puerto Rico, as they discuss captivating encounters and experiences of Grace Outside the Church. 

This past March the Cowens represented Bedford Presbyterian Church at a week-long seminar offered by the Peacemaking Program of the PC(USA) Mission Agency and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA).  They travelled the entire island, witnessing how sister churches have dramatically changed, and grass roots non-profit organizations have partnered with PDA, in response to the greatest needs of local communities following many years of natural and economic disasters.

Following worship service on November 26 be sure to grab a cup of coffee, a light bite and a seat to learn about these wonderful experiences of transformation in Grace Outside the Church.