Summer brings longer days, hotter weather, relaxation, vacation getaways, camps, beaches, and pools for many. It’s also a time for planning and preparing for the fall and future events.

For instance, Michelle has been diligently planning the upcoming Ageless Wonders senior adult community lunches, coordinating themes, entertainment, food, and volunteers.

BPC Green Team_ReVision Energy Site Planning

Our Green Team has been collaborating with ReVision Energy to finalize the solar panel project, including panel locations (photo), wiring, and consultations with the town planning department to ensure a smooth implementation.

Pastor John has been providing spiritual support to families and individuals, organizing upcoming worship programs, writing sermons, and visiting River Woods with Barb for Communion. They are also arranging musical guests while our choir takes a summer break and setting plans in motion for fall programming. Kenny continues to keep our church pristine, ensuring pews are stocked, and everything is clean. Clark Gott and his brother work tirelessly each week to keep the landscaping and grounds around the church flourishing and vibrant—even on the hottest days!

Our Matthew 25 Disaster Recovery Team is headed to Mission at the Eastward (MATE) in Maine this Sunday with about 20 volunteers to help rebuild homes for local individuals and families in need. The Building and Grounds team is tackling various summer projects, from updating lighting to addressing a list of repairs. Our Session has been meeting to keep ongoing items progressing. Additionally, a dedicated team is working tirelessly behind the scenes to plan, manage, and execute what we hope will be a fantastic community-wide picnic on August 18th.

The Youth and Children’s Committee and the Music Committee, along with office staff, have been planning not only for Sunday School and children’s programming but also for Christmas events (yes, you heard that right :-)).

Soon, you’ll hear from our Deacons, Youth and Children’s Ministry, Music Ministry, and others about upcoming programs, events, and opportunities to get more involved at BPC and within our community. We hope you are enjoying the summer and look forward to seeing you at our Sunday worship services at 10 AM.