Sunday Worship
Worship is at the center of what we do together. We gather to praise God, seeking to be transformed by the Word and inspired by the Spirit to bear God’s love and justice. We meet for worship each week in our Sanctuary at 10 am. The church is located in the historic district of Bedford, not far from the Town Library. Our services are about an hour and include rich teachings from scripture, excellent music in a variety of styles, and real connections with others who are on a faith journey.
If you cannot attend in person, we look forward to hosting you online on our YouTube channel (be sure to Subscribe) or Facebook page. On most Sundays, we offer a fellowship hour following worship.
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How We Worship
Our worship services last about an hour and follow a path from gathering and preparation, to listening and responding to the Word of God.
As We Gather for Worship
We celebrate with music and scripture, calling ourselves to worship, confessing our sins and being assured of God’s grace and mercy.
Listening for the Word of God
We hear scripture passages from the Old and New Testaments and the children’s message. The pastor interprets the scripture and applies passages to our daily lives and the world we live in today.
Responding to the Word
We return gifts and offerings, pray for each other, our families, friends, neighbors, and the world, and share our joys and concerns. At the close of each service, the pastor commissions us to ministry.
Going in God’s Name
We go out into the world as vessels of God’s grace to love and serve all in Jesus’ name.
Children’s Sermon & Sunday School
Preschool and elementary children will join their families in the Sanctuary for the beginning of worship service. Shortly after the start of service, children are welcome to the front to listen to the Children’s Sermon from the pastor. Children are then invited to attend Sunday School with our volunteer teachers. Children can be picked up in their classrooms at the end of service.