This coming Sunday – with great joy – we celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism, welcoming Jason and Lucas Lidster into the family of faith at BPC.  For those of you who have not had the chance to meet them yet, the Lidster Twins are the sons of Bob and Alena Lidster, who will be joining our congregation in Active Membership on Sunday.  The Spirit has led this lovely family to us, and we are so thankful.

As part of the baptismal liturgy, parents of children who come to be baptized are asked a set of questions. AND, there is a question that is asked of the congregation:  

Do you, as members of the church of Jesus Christ, promise to guide and nurture________________ by word and deed, with love and prayer, encouraging them to know and follow Christ and to be a faithful member of Christ’s church.  We do.

We ask this question every time.  And, every time, you – the congregation – make this promise.  It’s a beautiful thing – to promise to be supportive and welcoming and loving and prayer-filled examples of faith to the children of our church.  It is a beautiful thing to teach our children – in word and deed – what it means to be Christian.

It’s a beautiful thing in theory, BUT what does it look like in practice?  

For decades, BPC has had a strong ministry of Christian Education and Spiritual Formation.  Years ago, we even won a national award from the Association of Presbyterian Christian Educators.  And, while our demographics and numbers have shifted over the years, we are still committed to teaching our children and youth.  This provides all of us – especially all of you with a great opportunity to fulfill the promise we make as individuals whenever a child is baptized. 

The Opportunity. . . 

We are currently in need of individuals who would be willing to serve – on occasion (not every week!) – as a second adult presence in Sunday School.  The primary job is this:  to be a supportive presence, engage the children of our church in conversation as they explore big questions together, and assist the lead Sunday School teacher in any other way.  It takes 40 minutes or so and is a tremendous help (being a loving and supportive adult who cares and keeps us compliant with our youth protection guidelines).

If you have ever taught Sunday School and think you have served your time. . . well. . . remember the promise. . . And, if it helps, think about how much more wisdom you have gained over the years since you last taught Sunday School.  

Last week, Paul Carr – a wise fellow if there ever was one! – I went downstairs with the kids and came back talking about how much fun it was – how smart our children are, and what great questions they asked!  

If you would like to be on a list of people who will serve as a secondary adult in Sunday School, please click HERE.

If you would like to support the children and youth of our church in other ways, please contact the church office and we can point you in the right direction. 

If you want to support the future of the church by strengthening the present, I encourage you to do so.  

May each and every one of us remember and fulfill the promise we made – and will make again this Sunday in worship.

See you in church!

Grace and Peace,


Prepare for Worship

This Week:  “. . . Start with What They Know.  Build On What They Have.” (’The E-Word’ – Week 3)