Weekly Word
“O Christ, Surround Me”
Photo Courtesy: https://cdn.ringofgullion.org/2019/11/entry-id-117.jpg Just a few months before Amy and I moved to New Hampshire in 2013, we had the...
Women at the Well
Five years ago, I had the privilege of co-leading a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with some excellent people from Columbia Theological Seminary. We...
To Feed or Not to Feed
Two weeks ago, in this space, I wrote to you about a concert that we will be hosting this Sunday evening, March 5, at 5 PM. We are welcoming...
The Season of Lent at BPC
This week, we mark the beginning of the Season of Lent - forty days that lead up to the celebration of the Resurrection on Easter. For some, Lent is...
Seeking the Welfare of the City and Its People
A sobering report came out of the CDC this past week - a report that shows increases in sadness and exposure to violence among teen girls and LGBTQ+...
Trusting in the Providence of God
(Photo credit: Sascha Fonseca | Article www.npr.org/2023/02/09/1155633439/wildlife-photographer-of-the-year) There was a fun story in the news in...
Ancient Christian Holy Day
I am writing this on February 2 - one of the most ancient Christian holy days. Just in case you’re wondering, no, “Groundhog Day” isn’t one of the...
A New Rhythm
Getting into a new rhythm as we respond to God's calling. Dear Bedford Presbyterian Church Family, I hope and pray that your 2023 has begun with...