About ten years ago, I remember sitting in a Session meeting here at Bedford Presbyterian Church and hearing a report from our Elder for Buildings and Grounds that if the church wanted to have a building covered by insurance that we would have to get a new roof.  Our insurance company would not cover us unless we went to the expense and effort to get a new roof – oh, and the front portico of the church was crumbling and needed to be replaced, and there was a leak in the foundation of the sanctuary, and. . . and. . . and. . .

And so, we embarked on a Capital Campaign, because why would we not seek to preserve and repair our historic church facility?  Necessity demanded our “why would we not” stance and because of your generosity, we raised close to $600,000 and renovated/repaired our building from stem to stern.  We could not have done this without you!    

Fast-forward about ten years, and I can remember sitting in another Session meeting here at Bedford Presbyterian Church and hearing a report from a different Elder for Buildings and Grounds about the cost of energy and the amount of greenhouse gases produced by our church facility.  The proposal on the table was to install solar panels and upgrade the most inefficient HVAC systems in the church, reducing our energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions.  

The proposed project project was going to require a large financial investment on the part of our congregation, but was/is it a necessity?  Thankfully, our insurance company will cover us, whether we have solar panels or not.  Why would we undertake something like this if it was not a necessity?  

But what if it is a necessity, for the care of God’s wondrous creation?  What if it is a necessity for future generations?  What if it is a necessity because of the annual financial burden of energy costs?  What if it is a necessity because of our present and future ministry and mission?  

THIS SUNDAY, at our Fourth Sunday Forum, we will be hearing about the necessity of projects like this because of the health complications of a changing climate.  Dr. Bob Dewey (a longtime member and neighbor of BPC) will be offering a talk on the health effects of a warmer climate as it pertains to allergens, pollution, extreme weather, and diseases along with solutions to these big problems.  Dr. Dewey is part of an organization called New Hampshire Healthcare Workers for Climate Action and is very passionate about this subject.  

Join us this week in the Fellowship Hall after the 10 AM worship service for a discussion that helps us explore the question of why would we / why would we not.  

See you in church!

Grace and Peace,


Prepare for Worship

This Week:  “Who Are You Following?” (The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory)