Sometimes, the gifts we offer to God through the church include feeding the hungry and housing those who need a roof over their heads. Our congregation has an important legacy of doing this important work in Jesus’ name. Sometimes, though, the gifts we offer to God through the church include other important things, done in Jesus’ name.  

If you’ve been anywhere near our church building over past month or so, you may have noticed that we have had a big painting project underway. The goal of the project is to paint and repair places on the exterior of the building where the paint was peeling and wood needed to be replaced. This past summer, the Session approved a painting project—including repainting the church’s bell tower and other places—and paid for the project with money from our Capital Reserve fund. Because our Elders and Deacons and church Staff are good stewards, and because you are so generous, we are able to take care of our historic church facility.  

I am so grateful for this, and I know I’m not the only one.

In addition to the big project on the outside of our church building, we are also in the middle of another project inside the church: the regular review of the church’s finances. The Book of Order of the PC(USA) requires a regular review of every congregation’s books. For our congregation, there is an almost-annual review of our finances by volunteers who are not part of the church’s financial accountability structure. In addition, every five years or so, we have paid an outside accounting firm to do a full financial review. This year, the Session secured the services of Carew and Wells, an accounting firm in Concord, NH, and they are currently at work, reviewing our entire financial structure, including how contributions and expenses are classified and who is in charge of which aspect of the church’s finances. They will submit a report to the Session by the end of 2024 with any recommendations on how to be even better stewards of the gifts that God has given us through the generosity of God’s people at BPC. A financial review by an outside accounting firm is not inexpensive, but the Session knows the importance of fiscal responsibility and has approved the expense—and is covering it with some of the church’s savings from a generous bequest given to the church several years ago.  

I am so grateful for this, and I know I’m not the only one.  

As we begin our Stewardship Season, we are focusing on Grace and Gratitude. Grace is the unmerited and unearned love of God for us. God is continually pouring grace out upon us in and through every aspect of our lives.  Because we trust that God’s amazing grace is for us, the most faithful response is gratitude. We can live out our gratitude in so many ways, and over the next month we will be putting our focus on how we live lives of grateful praise.  

I am so grateful to God for God’s gifts, and I know I’m not the only one.

I am so grateful to you for your gifts—inspired by gratitude for God’s grace—and I know I’m not the only one.

See you in church!

Grace and Peace,


Prepare for Worship

This Week:  “For God, All Things Are Possible (Grace and Gratitude – Week 1)”