NEW DATE: Join us on Sunday, March 2, at 10 AM for a special worship service to celebrate the ordination and installation of our new officers. After the regular service, around 11:15 AM, we will begin our Annual Meeting of the Congregation, featuring a State of the Church address from The Reverend Doctor John Sawyer.

During the meeting, you will hear about the meaningful impact of your generosity over the past year, celebrate the ongoing ministry of our church, and receive a financial update on the budget that the Session has approved for 2025. We value your participation, whether in person, remotely via Zoom, or on the phone.

View the 2024 BPC Annual Report here.

After the meeting, please join us in the Fellowship Hall for coffee hour.

Meeting ID: 874 1617 1308
Dial: (309) 205-3325
Meeting ID: 874 1617 1308