BPC is Hiring!

BPC is Hiring!

Bedford Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) seeks a Nursery Worker to offer childcare to young children (Infants through Pre-K) on Sunday mornings. This is a part-time position, staffing our church Nursery between the hours of 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM each week. Requirements and...
Tell Me More!

Tell Me More!

If you’re new to Bedford Presbyterian Church and interested in exploring membership, we invite you to our “Tell Me More!” new members meet and greet on Sunday, March 9th, at 11:30 AM in the Blake Marston Room (lower level of the church). This informal...
Annual Meeting of the Congregation

Annual Meeting of the Congregation

NEW DATE: Join us on Sunday, March 2, at 10 AM for a special worship service to celebrate the ordination and installation of our new officers. After the regular service, around 11:15 AM, we will begin our Annual Meeting of the Congregation, featuring a State of the...
Support Our Deacons’ Ministry of Care

Support Our Deacons’ Ministry of Care

Have you or a loved one ever struggled to prepare meals after surgery or an illness? Have you walked into a funeral reception at church, finding comfort in a warm drink, a friendly face, and the quiet care of those who make that moment a little easier? Have you...
Scout Sunday

Scout Sunday

We are thrilled to invite you to celebrate Scout Sunday at Bedford Presbyterian Church this weekend! This is an excellent opportunity to come together as a community as we warmly welcome the leaders, parents, and youth from Troop 414 into our worship service....