Weekly Word
When to Tell and What to Tell. . .

When to Tell and What to Tell. . .

As a Pastor, there are times when people will ask me to hold something in confidence and not tell anyone else. There are some things that just do not need to be publicly shared - for a variety of reasons - and I try to respect the knowledge that has been entrusted to...

Loving our neighbors as ourselves. . .

Loving our neighbors as ourselves. . .

Throughout its 275-year history, Bedford Presbyterian Church has sought to be a place that prioritizes the greatest commandments of Jesus: to love God with our whole selves and to love our neighbors as ourselves. In John’s Gospel, Jesus encourages his disciples to...

Going Home Again – Holy Glimpses

Going Home Again – Holy Glimpses

This past week, Amy and I took our boys to our old hometown of Macon, Georgia - the town where Amy was born and grew up, and the town where I lived on-and-off, for eighteen years (from 6th-10th grade, my college years, and my years as an Associate Pastor at...

To You, With Love. . .

To You, With Love. . .

Those of us from a certain “era” will likely remember celebrating Valentine’s Day at school. It all began with a shoebox. We would each bring a shoebox to school and take time in class to cover the box with construction paper, decorating it with paper hearts. And...

Storm’s A-Comin’! What Will We Do?

Storm’s A-Comin’! What Will We Do?

On Thursday of this week, I ran into a clergy colleague who lives in our neighborhood. It was a snow day, and I was out in the snow with my boys. When I saw my neighbor, a pastor in another denomination, my first question after greeting her was, “So, are you going to...

Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina

Most of the year, I tend to preach from the recommended scripture readings from the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL). As some of you may know, the RCL is a three-year cycle of scripture readings that covers most of the major (and some relatively minor) scriptural...

The Place of the Preacher

The Place of the Preacher

I had a conversation with someone before the 2024 election about the place of preaching when it comes to addressing world matters. It was a friendly back-and-forth conversation in which two people were trying to get to some mutual understanding. What is the place of...

T’was the Week Before Christmas…

T’was the Week Before Christmas…

T’was the week before Christmas,and all through the churchthe Pastor and Organist tried not to lurch.Prayers had been said over the copier with careIn hope that the bulletins wouldn't be bare. . . Yes, it’s the most wonderful time of the year! That special time when...