The most wonderful month of the year is here, and we have an exciting array of activities lined up just for you! As we kick off the Advent Season this Sunday, let’s come together and embrace the joyful spirit that fills our hearts and community. This is a time for...
Still, Jesus Gives Me Hope
Earlier today, I was interviewed on Zoom by one of BPC’s bright college students, Tally Coulter. She was doing some research for a class at Duke University on what faith-leaders know about militant Islam. I know. . . it seems like an odd subject, and Tally admitted as...
The Joy of Decorating
I’m going to admit when it comes to decorating for Christmas, I’m really glad that there are people who love it. I “like” decorating for Christmas, but it doesn’t give me as much joy as it does some folks. Maybe this stems from traumatic memories from my youth - lying...
So Much Gratitude, So Little Time
by The Reverend Dr. John Sawyer, Pastor This past Sunday, as part of the sermon, I spent a few minutes saying “Hey” and “Thank you” to people in (and beyond) our congregation who offer so much of their time, energy, money, and more to God here at Bedford Presbyterian...
Sometimes, Others Say it Better
On the day after this past week’s election, I spent the day sitting with people who were experiencing some big feelings. Not all of these big feelings were about the election results, mind you, but many of them were. I know that plenty of people were quite pleased...
“You must understand this…”
“You must understand this, my beloved: let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger; for your anger does not produce God’s righteousness.” (James 1:19-20) In recent days, I have had multiple conversations with people across the political divide, and...
So Much to Do, So Much to Celebrate
A few Octobers ago, I spent an entire Friday and Saturday raking leaves in our yard. I don’t remember the exact number of bags that I raked over the course of those two days, but by the end, the yard was clear and there were easily 30-40 bags of leaves out at the curb...
Why Matthew 25?
This coming Sunday during Coffee Hour, we will be holding our second Matthew 25 Forum. Just a couple of weeks ago, we spent some time focusing on Matthew 25:14-30—the “Parable of the Talents”—and highlighted our own gifts and skills and talents as well as the gifts,...