Weekly Word
When You Go to the Town Council Meeting. . .

When You Go to the Town Council Meeting. . .

. . . be prepared to wait a little while. . . This past Wednesday, BPC’s Communications Director, Beth Evarts, and I attended a meeting of the Bedford Town Council to talk about our hopes and dreams for celebrating the 275th Anniversary of the founding of our...

 “What we do here has to matter out there. . .”

 “What we do here has to matter out there. . .”

This past week, I got a phone call from Marcia Morgan, a longtime member of BPC and current member of the Session.  Marcia had flown down to Atlanta to attend the Presbyterian Church USA’s Matthew 25 Summit.  This was a gathering of pastors, elders, and other folks...

The Gospel

The Gospel

A memory popped up on my Facebook feed this past week:  it has been seven years since we began to use the red Glory to God hymnals!  What a tremendous blessing!  In the ten years since the publication Glory to God: The Presbyterian Hymnal  I have found only a few...

December Events

December Events

We are looking forward to celebrating the Advent season with all of you. Numerous events are unfolding in the life of our church and our community. Be sure to explore our upcoming events below, and mark your calendar with these exciting opportunities to celebrate the...

Wonderful Partners

Wonderful Partners

At the Ageless Wonders This past Tuesday, I had the privilege of seeing some old friends - Ray Bellemore (Vice President of the Bedford Lions Club) and Ernie Henrichon (a member of our congregation who serves as the Treasurer of the Bedford Lions Club).  Several years...

Celebrating Generosity 2023

Celebrating Generosity 2023

Every Sunday, before the Offering, one of our Deacons or Elders will stand before you and tell you about the good that your giving does in the life of our church, and community, and world.  From feeding hungry people to welcoming the young and not-so-young, from...

How Many Coats Are in Your Closet?

How Many Coats Are in Your Closet?

When I was interviewed by the Pastor Nominating Committee from Bedford Presbyterian Church a little over ten years ago, I remember them asking the question, “Do you know how cold it gets in New Hampshire?”  I remember responding telling them, “I like wearing jackets.”...

Mixing it Up!

Mixing it Up!

This past Sunday, as I was greeting people before the 10 AM worship service, I noticed a strange thing: some people were not sitting where they usually sit in the sanctuary.  In fact, some people even told me that they had been “told" to sit in different spots. Now, a...