What’s Happening?
Join us on this journey of service and ministry as we recognize Christ’s urgent call to be a church of action, where God’s love, justice, and mercy shine forth and are contagious. Rejoice in how our re-energized faith can unite all Presbyterians for a common and holy purpose: our common identity to do a mission. This is a great time to get involved and be part of the life, worship and work of BPC. Join us today!
Lenten Body and Spirit Series
Lent is often seen as a season to “give something up” in order to draw closer to God. It can also be a wonderful opportunity to start a new practice...
When to Tell and What to Tell. . .
As a Pastor, there are times when people will ask me to hold something in confidence and not tell anyone else. There are some things that just do...
Easter Services and Festivities
Ash Wednesday Join us for our Ash Wednesday Worship Service March 5th at 7 PM, which marks the beginning of Lent. Lent is 40 days of...
Serving Dinner to those in Need
We are looking for helpers to help serve dinner with Families in Transition in Manchester, NH, from 4:30 to 5:45 PM on select dates. Volunteers will...
Loving our neighbors as ourselves. . .
Throughout its 275-year history, Bedford Presbyterian Church has sought to be a place that prioritizes the greatest commandments of Jesus: to love...
Faith in Action
Bedford’s Proposed Zoning Amendments and Loving Our Neighbors Throughout our 275-year history, Bedford Presbyterian Church has sought to live out...
Going Home Again – Holy Glimpses
This past week, Amy and I took our boys to our old hometown of Macon, Georgia - the town where Amy was born and grew up, and the town where I lived...
BPC is Hiring!
Bedford Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) seeks a Nursery Worker to offer childcare to young children (Infants through Pre-K) on Sunday mornings. This is...
Tell Me More!
If you’re new to Bedford Presbyterian Church and interested in exploring membership, we invite you to our "Tell Me More!" new members meet and greet...
Annual Meeting of the Congregation
NEW DATE: Join us on Sunday, March 2, at 10 AM for a special worship service to celebrate the ordination and installation of our new officers. After...
To You, With Love. . .
Those of us from a certain “era” will likely remember celebrating Valentine’s Day at school. It all began with a shoebox. We would each bring a...
Storm’s A-Comin’! What Will We Do?
On Thursday of this week, I ran into a clergy colleague who lives in our neighborhood. It was a snow day, and I was out in the snow with my boys....