What’s Happening?

Join us on this journey of service and ministry as we recognize Christ’s urgent call to be a church of action, where God’s love, justice, and mercy shine forth and are contagious. Rejoice in how our re-energized faith can unite all Presbyterians for a common and holy purpose: our common identity to do a mission. This is a great time to get involved and be part of the life, worship and work of BPC. Join us today!

Why Matthew 25?

Why Matthew 25?

This coming Sunday during Coffee Hour, we will be holding our second Matthew 25 Forum. Just a couple of weeks ago, we spent some time focusing on...

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Affinity Circles

Affinity Circles

We are thrilled to announce that our church is buzzing with a fantastic array of small interest groups, some meeting weekly and others monthly, and...

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The Promise. . .

The Promise. . .

This coming Sunday - with great joy - we celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism, welcoming Jason and Lucas Lidster into the family of faith at BPC.  For...

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The Tightrope

The Tightrope

Next weekend, the Deerfield Fair will be in full swing. Having visited the fair for the past few years, I can say that one of the highlights for me...

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