What’s Happening?

Join us on this journey of service and ministry as we recognize Christ’s urgent call to be a church of action, where God’s love, justice, and mercy shine forth and are contagious. Rejoice in how our re-energized faith can unite all Presbyterians for a common and holy purpose: our common identity to do a mission. This is a great time to get involved and be part of the life, worship and work of BPC. Join us today!

Wonderful Partners

Wonderful Partners

At the Ageless Wonders This past Tuesday, I had the privilege of seeing some old friends - Ray Bellemore (Vice President of the Bedford Lions Club)...

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Christmas Joy Offering

Christmas Joy Offering

Follow Christ’s Lead This Advent Season We will be collecting donations for the PC(USA) Christmas Joy Offering through Sunday, December 17th. Joy...

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Adopt a Family 2023

Adopt a Family 2023

Dear Bedford Presbyterian Church families and friends, We are excited to kick off our 2023 Adopt A Family Program and your giving makes a...

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Grace Outside the Church

Grace Outside the Church

Fourth Sunday Forum: Living in a Matthew 25 Way At last month’s forum, Gayle Murphy invited us to bring our experiences with God outside our church...

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Mixing it Up!

Mixing it Up!

This past Sunday, as I was greeting people before the 10 AM worship service, I noticed a strange thing: some people were not sitting where they...

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