by The Reverend Dr. John Sawyer, Pastor

This past Sunday, as part of the sermon, I spent a few minutes saying “Hey” and “Thank you” to people in (and beyond) our congregation who offer so much of their time, energy, money, and more to God here at Bedford Presbyterian Church. The only problem with offering a public Thank-you to a list of people is that some people get left off the list due to time. The sermon could have been twice as long, and I would have just been getting started.

As we wrap up our 275th Anniversary Year, there have been some clear successes, events, and happenings for which I am so thankful – from our big celebration back on May 19 to the historic banners that we have placed on utility poles around the church and the center of Bedford, to the generous response to our “Bright Hope for Tomorrow Campaign,” to the energy and effort expended on the community picnic (which was, admittedly, a little bit damp, the day of!). In addition, recent months have seen an uptick in involvement and attendance on Sunday mornings. The Session has approved hiring a second Nursery Worker because we have children to take care of on Sunday mornings, our monthly Ageless Wonders program for older adults continues to be very successful, and our Deacons have served 166 local families with our Thanksgiving Gift Card Ministry. Our Christmas Adopt-A-Family program is underway and will be available for ornament selection in-person (December 1st and 8th) and online starting this Sunday.

There is so much that has taken place and much more that is on the way.

In the coming weeks, we are preparing for Advent at BPC, which will include a community-wide Festival of Trees event on December 6-7, our Christmas Pageant on December 14-15, Advent worship services, Christmas Eve services (at 4 and 7 PM), as well as a Carol Sing during worship on December 29.

In 2025, we look forward to a Matthew 25 Initiative on affordable housing in Bedford, installing solar panels on our church property, a School Supply Drive that will bring together different groups across town, and a Mission Auction to raise funds for various efforts.

I want you to know that your pastor is so thankful for all of this and for each and every one of you – and the many ways that you live out God’s grace and gratitude in this place.

See you in church!

Grace and Peace,


Prepare for Worship
This Week: “Which Jesus? (Both/And)”