Those of us from a certain “era” will likely remember celebrating Valentine’s Day at school. It all began with a shoebox. We would each bring a shoebox to school and take time in class to cover the box with construction paper, decorating it with paper hearts. And then, we would cut a jagged rectangle-esque hole in the top so that our classmates could drop their prepared Valentine cards into the box.

In our house, growing up, we did not purchase Valentine cards (usually with a superhero or My Little Pony on it) at the store. Instead, we purchased a stack of red construction paper and a stack of white lacy paper doilies. I can remember cutting out red paper hearts and gluing them to the white paper doilies, writing my classmates’ names on them along with a “Happy Valentine’s Day” message. It took a lot of time (and, some years, a lot of grumbling on my part). In the end, though, when I walked around the classroom to drop my homemade Valentine’s hearts into people’s shoeboxes, they got something that had taken some work to put together. I flatter myself – and give all credit to my mother, who sat me down and made me cut out those red paper hearts – but I like to think that my handmade Valentines might have been a little more special.

In the church, we take our gifts and seek to offer something special to the world. Sometimes, our gifts are made by hand. Sometimes, they are simply chosen with care and freely offered. Sometimes, they are given spontaneously or to meet a certain need.

In every circumstance, I hope that you and I are offering our best and offering it in love. This is what God has done for us in Jesus Christ and what God continues to do through the Holy Spirit. May we give thanks and offer our best, too. . .

We had hoped to be together this Sunday, but – for the second week in a row (!!!) – the weather will not be cooperating again!

Our in-person Sunday worship service has been canceled.

In the meantime, we will seek to offer our best through an online worship service. You can find it on our YouTube channel and our church Facebook page.

Our Congregational Meeting, along with the Ordination and Installation of Deacons and Elders, will now occur on Sunday, March 2nd. I wish we could hold these important events this week, but alas, it’s just not going to work out, and my family and I will be away on February 23.

So, this Sunday, stay safe and warm at home. Remember that your Deacons, Elders, and I are available and can be reached if you need us.

Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy Snowy Sunday!

Grace and Peace,
