Weekly Word
When to Tell and What to Tell. . .
As a Pastor, there are times when people will ask me to hold something in confidence and not tell anyone else. There are some things that just do...
Loving our neighbors as ourselves. . .
Throughout its 275-year history, Bedford Presbyterian Church has sought to be a place that prioritizes the greatest commandments of Jesus: to love...
Going Home Again – Holy Glimpses
This past week, Amy and I took our boys to our old hometown of Macon, Georgia - the town where Amy was born and grew up, and the town where I lived...
To You, With Love. . .
Those of us from a certain “era” will likely remember celebrating Valentine’s Day at school. It all began with a shoebox. We would each bring a...
Storm’s A-Comin’! What Will We Do?
On Thursday of this week, I ran into a clergy colleague who lives in our neighborhood. It was a snow day, and I was out in the snow with my boys....
Lectio Divina
Most of the year, I tend to preach from the recommended scripture readings from the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL). As some of you may know, the...
The Place of the Preacher
I had a conversation with someone before the 2024 election about the place of preaching when it comes to addressing world matters. It was a friendly...
T’was the Week Before Christmas…
T’was the week before Christmas,and all through the churchthe Pastor and Organist tried not to lurch.Prayers had been said over the copier with...