Weekly Word
“You must understand this…”
“You must understand this, my beloved: let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger; for your anger does not produce God’s...
So Much to Do, So Much to Celebrate
A few Octobers ago, I spent an entire Friday and Saturday raking leaves in our yard. I don’t remember the exact number of bags that I raked over the...
Why Matthew 25?
This coming Sunday during Coffee Hour, we will be holding our second Matthew 25 Forum. Just a couple of weeks ago, we spent some time focusing on...
Grace and Gratitude – Stewardship Season Begins
Sometimes, the gifts we offer to God through the church include feeding the hungry and housing those who need a roof over their heads. Our...
Opportunities to Grow and Give
This coming Sunday, there are two opportunities to grow in faith and knowledge at BPC... The Feasting on the Word Sunday School...
Recognize Our Volunteers
Take a moment to recognize the amazing people who make such a difference in the life of our church! Their contributions are invaluable, whether...
The Promise. . .
This coming Sunday - with great joy - we celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism, welcoming Jason and Lucas Lidster into the family of faith at BPC. For...
The Tightrope
Next weekend, the Deerfield Fair will be in full swing. Having visited the fair for the past few years, I can say that one of the highlights for me...