What’s Happening?
Join us on this journey of service and ministry as we recognize Christ’s urgent call to be a church of action, where God’s love, justice, and mercy shine forth and are contagious. Rejoice in how our re-energized faith can unite all Presbyterians for a common and holy purpose: our common identity to do a mission. This is a great time to get involved and be part of the life, worship and work of BPC. Join us today!
Dreams and Visions. . .
This past spring, when the Session voted to approve BPC’s new Vision and Mission Statements, one of the questions I had in my mind was, “Okay. . ....
God Loves Everyone
Over the past few years, there has been a growing understanding in American culture that June is known - by many people - as “Pride Month.” This is...
“Come Down, O Love Divine…”
Come down, O Love Divine; seek out this soul of mine, and visit it with your own ardor glowing. . . For none can guess God’s grace, till Love...
Great Emergence-y or Great Emergence?
Back in 2008 - which seems like a lifetime ago - journalist and editor Phyllis Tickle published a book called The Great Emergence: How...
Half-Staff or Upside Down?
Photo: The US flag at BPC this past week. An e-mail will usually come to Michelle Jones in the church office, saying, "The governor of New Hampshire...
Building the Kingdom
Last weekend, when our congregation celebrated John Robinson's 100th birthday, there was a big group of people out in Los Angeles celebrating the...
The First Centennial
In the Bible, there are some people who live for a very long time. Methuselah is not a major character in the Book of Genesis, but we are told...
Earth Day Reflections
Every year - on or around Earth Day - I get a call from my friend Ryan. Ryan is a successful professional, a few years younger than I am. Many years...
BPC & Others Book Club
Looking for opportunities to stay connected to BPC during our time of social distancing? Enjoy reading and discussing books with other readers? Join...
Coffee Hour Hosts
As a Coffee Hour Host, you play an essential role in our church. You have a unique opportunity to engage with members and visitors, warmly welcome...
Livestream Team Opportunities
Why does Mike Chen have more fun on Sunday mornings than anyone you know at church right now? Because he’s a member of BPC’s Livestream Team. We’re...
Meal Ministry Volunteers Needed
We are looking for volunteers willing and able to provide meals for church members needing short-term help and support. When a need...